Silicomanganese, ferrosilicomanganese - Tamin Sanat Hadaf Silico-manganese, ferrosilicon, ferroalloys
Factory Address
Factory Address
Commercial Manager
+989148654201 Iran, East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz, Sento Road, Before the Airport Intersection, Tabriz Industrial Area
Saturday - Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
+984134481592 Saturday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00


Factory Address
Factory Address
Commercial Manager
+989148654201 Iran, East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz, Sento Road, Before the Airport Intersection, Tabriz Industrial Area
Saturday - Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
+984134481592 Saturday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00


Consulting service
Repair and optimization
Business services
Engineering services

Silicomanganese, ferrosilicomanganese

Silico-manganese is widely used by steelmakers today. The combination of this ferroalloy provides the properties of ferrosilicon and ferromanganese in steel production, making it the second most widely used ferroalloy in the world after ferrochrome. However, access to the raw materials required for production and the high cost of energy have led many countries to import instead of producing. In trade, as in consumption, silico-manganese is in second place.
Silico-manganese is the second most widely used ferroalloy in the world
Silico-manganese, also known as ferro-silico-manganese, is one of the ferroalloys used in the steel industry. As its name suggests, this ferroalloy is a combination of silicon and manganese and typically contains 12 to 16 percent silicon and 50 to 70 percent manganese. Silico-manganese is used in steelmaking for deoxygenation, desulfurization, and improvement of mechanical properties of steel by adding alloying elements. Nowadays, economic efficiency and maintaining the composition of the melt have increased the tendency of steelmakers to use silico-manganese instead of a combination of ferrosilicon and ferromanganese. According to the latest information from the US Geological Survey, silico-manganese has the largest share of ferroalloy production after ferrochromium.
Tamin Sanat Hafad Company, with experienced and specialized people, is active in the supply of steel additives from domestic and foreign sources.

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Silico-Manganese Analysis
Silicomanganese 65/15
Silicomanganese Specifications
( Mn (% 60-65 ) – Si% (13 -14) – (S%<0.02) – C%(2 -2.5 )- (P%<0.3)
Graining 10 – 150 mm


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